Jun 16Liked by Purple Ladybird Art

Thanks for sharing what you have been up to, Clare. What a busy and productive time you have had exploring all that nature has to offer. Your summer studio looks so well set up.

I had never heard of plug plants, view catchers or anyone who would actually admit to watching Bridgerton!

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Hi Ink, it sounds like I have introduced you to some new concepts, but I doubt I’ll convince you on Bridgerton. Season 3 has been all about Lady Whistledown, who has given a woman of her time a voice…I like to be as authentic as possible, so admitting I watch Bridgerton is a big deal 😆

Thank you for reading my post and your humorous comment - you always make me smile. 😊

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Jun 16Liked by Purple Ladybird Art

I love the look of your summer studio. It sounds like a wonderful space to be creative. I too love the nesting birds in the garden but hate the sound of the magpies terrorising the nests.

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Thanks JB, I’m finding it a wonderful space to waste time tbh, however, that’s ok too. 😊 The birding activity is such a pleasure to watch but I do end up feeling like their guardian which becomes a little bit exhausting! 😂

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Jun 16Liked by Purple Ladybird Art

Ah… Bridgerton… what a guilty pleasure that is 😏.

Nature is a marvel, a miracle and stressful as hell! We have had a sparrow-hawk terrorising our song birds here and it is devastating to find a pile of tiny feathers and little else. But apparently an apex predator in your garden is a sign of a healthy ecosystem so I guess you have to take the rough with the smooth. Something had a pigeon last week and made quite a mess - yuk! and I accidentally mowed a frog 😭. Trying to protect nature and actually ‘garden’ is quite a juggling act.

Love seeing your trips out and the resulting beautiful artwork. Fascinating for a non-arty person like me to see all the kit you use in action. Makes me tempted to try painting…

Look forward to your next creations Clare - always a delight!

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Thank you Julia - nature is miraculous and healing but I guess there’s always the yin and yang of things. The sparrow hawks coming in are most distressing - I’ve seen a few songbirds swiped from the bird feeders which always make me shed a tear or two…that’s why I had to stop watching Springwatch. I’m far too sensitive for the circle of life stuff. 🥹

I hope I inspire the non arty people to get out and sketch or paint - my sketchbook allows me to create, like no one is looking. 😅 It’s healing and ultimately it gets me out of the house and out of my head, so lots of benefits. 🙏💜

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Jun 16Liked by Purple Ladybird Art

Your posts always transport me back to the many wonderful experiences we have, whilst on the search for your next inspiration. Thank you for taking so much care and time to create these, remember it only needs to impact one humans day in a positive way to be worth every second.

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Looks like you struck it lucky with the weather for your visit to Cornwall! I tend to keep a notebook rather than a sketchbook when I’m out and about, jotting down what I notice; the sounds, the weather and the colours as well as a bit of commentary of our walk. Despite taking out sketching materials, for whatever reason I just can’t seem to overcome the mental block I have and always end up just making written notes, which together with photos I use as reference for work when I’m back home. Enjoy your summer studio, what a great idea 💕

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Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. I hear you with regards to having mental blocks - taking a notebook is a very good idea, as I find when I am out and about, normally walking the dog, I come up with the best ideas. Most of the time I have to force myself to stop and sketch/paint but once I get started it all seems to flow. 🙏💜

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